It's Friday morning here in Kunming. We leave tomorrow morning to go to Guangzhou. I think everyone is ready for a change of scenery. The sick babies have had to get IV's everyday and the parents days are tedious getting them hooked up and waiting while they finish their medication. Mia seems to be better today. We had given her Benedryl to clear her congestion, but I think that it was what made her very cranky. So we're just giving her something for her fever and the anitbiotic the Dr. here gave her.
The hard part of hotel life here is getting food. No one speaks english and even though there are several restaurants in this hotel, no one wants to serve the americans. Yesterday we found a Thai restaurant but when we asked to be seated they said "follow me" and took us to an elevator, pushed the down button and said "goodbye". We have had so much MSG that our heads are woozy. This afternoon we visit a park by Green lake. This should be a good outing for us. The bus rides even a short distance takes hours because of the trafffic. Please pray for the sick babies. If they don't get a clear ticket from the Doctor, they will have to stay longer. The parents are just wanting to go home. We miss you all.
Wow! We are SOOOO excited for all involved in this miraculous event. I KNOW that Mia's bro & sis on stateside are itching to get their hands on her. Just think..Mia's initial exposure has been Ethan - He IS contagious!! Ethan-I somehow bet you have let 'em known you are there. What an excellent cultural experience for China! Mia-I am sure you have put it all together by now...You have picked a wonderful family!!! Mike & Katri-I am humbled by your courage/strength/faith***Godspeed***
Elliott - We mourn your absence in Rebel town...You bulldog You! Get my # from Mag & text me. I miss you! Senora S is looking for a girl too!!! MIA IS HERE! Dreams/planning/praying have come to fruition!!
HI again from the Georgia Counselman Crew...we have been following each step/blog note and have been praying for you all. Know that this waiting is difficult as you long to be all together back in MS now that Mia ia with you. Praying that all your paperwork, etc. is falling into place to bring her home! Much love...S, J, L, W, and G in Stone Mountain..Ethan, all of these comments about you are making we want to see you again..sounds like you and our boys would have a great time together!
nothing new for two days!welfords, welfords, where are you? i know mia is getting better and loving you more each day. less than a week to go and the days are dragging. God's got you in His hands and i can't wait for Him to drop you off, safe and sound in the arms of ALL your families. Waiting patiently, mary c.
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