For the first time in many months I've got exciting news! The group before us has gotten official word from China that they are finished reviewing their documents and are ready to be matched. That means our group (September 2005) is now being actively reviewed. I know, it may not sound like much to you, but for this depressed woman it's a step forward.
Winter has never been my most productive season. I tend to burrow down and hybernate. The dreary February days have rolled on into bleak, windy and unpredicatable March. March is almost gone and our household has gotten almost comfortable with the wait. But for me it has been like silent screaming. We know that the adoption will happen, but it may take upwards of another six months. Everything I understand points to a slow-down in the next few months so I'm trying to prepare myself for the possibility of a September referral. Why the lengthy wait. From all I read it stems from many factors like; 1) the numbers of abandoned children have decreased - this is good news for the children. 2) the number of domestic adoptions have increased - this is also good news for the children. 3)the number of paper-ready children has decreased - this sounds like bureaucratic red-tape - not good for kids. 4)the increase number of people wanting to adopt from China - again, good! 5) the investigation of possible illegal baby traffiking in Hunan province - its good that there is a thorough investigation! 6) the CCAA - China Center for Adoption Affairs has been disrupted because of moving it's facility - maybe they'll speed up once their system is set up. All of these things I read about and understand. It doesn't make it any easier, but I know that China has a reputable adoption program. I am now feeling a little easier knowing that our file isn't just "floating" around the hallways somewhere in China, but now I am really anxious to see how big this next group of referrals will be. Please pray with me that the group from June 2005 will get babies this next week. I hope you'll pray that we all stay encouraged during the wait. My next goal is to post of few updated photo's - if I can get my camera and family to cooperate. Happy Spring!