Saturday, July 18, 2009

100 Wishes Quilt

It's complete! The 100 wishes quilt is a tradition many adoptive families like to give their chinese children. A group of waiting parents from all across the U.S. sent swatches of fabric squares to each other along with blessings for their adopted child. We sew the squares together and compile the blessings from each family along with their corresponding fabric swatch into a scrapbook. Now Mia can find what family sent her which square and know where they're from and that they are a family with a Chinese daughter or son just like herself. I pray that it will be another reminder that she is not alone in how she came into our family, and that she is part of something bigger than herself.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Boating to Pensacola

Our first major trip out on our boat. We enjoyed 4 days, 3 nights in the bay waters off Pensacola beach. Mia enjoyed the swim time and the undivided attention of her siblings and Sergio, our friend from Spain. We had hoped to see the Blue Angels fly, but a busted water pump put us late and we missed all but the last bit. Maybe next year.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009